These are just a few of the issues we face today in the world of blockchain applications. Of course, Drakons was not immune to these issues. Not only did we have difficulties deploying Drakons NFTs due to insanely high gas fees, we also couldn’t afford to sell Drakons at very affordable prices. In fact, we have been hearing users commenting that sometimes the gas fee was even higher than the value of the items that they were trying to purchase.
Even when just breeding Drakons, the gas fee was way too high compared to the actual breeding fee. Sometimes, even when they get through the initial breeding stage, it took so much time for the baby Drakon to hatch due to traffic in the main Ethereum network.
Because of the high gas fee, putting Drakons for sale on the marketplace may also not be that practical.
In September 2020, Drakons released Drakons’ boosts such as food and card boosts in its marketplace to allow Drakon Masters to add power to their Drakons and revive them after battling in the Ultimate Battle Arena. After more than two months, a total of 90K $DRK or over a thousand dollars worth of boosts were sold. Although these boosts are very important to Drakon Masters, the cost of transaction fees somehow prevented them from buying as often as they want to.
Hence, in December 2020, Drakons decided to deploy the said boosts in the Polygon, previously Matic Network. In just over a month, more than 1M $DRK or over 12K dollars worth of boosts were sold in the new marketplace. This is more than ten times the original transaction volume in the main Ethereum network.
That’s why now, Drakons would like to announce that it just made another milestone. And that’s deploying Drakons NFTs in the Polygon Netowrk. Although Drakons in the main Ethereum network will remain unchanged, the new Drakons NFTs including all future NFTs will be deployed in Polygon.
So worry no more about high gas fees and slow transactions, as Drakons has already opened its marketplace in the new Polygon Network. Yes, Drakons didn’t just reduce the gas fee to a minimum, it totally removed it. Now, you may buy your Drakons NFTs and all upcoming collectibles in the Drakons Marketplace without worrying about gas fees.
And not only that, unlike in the past when you had to wait for a couple of minutes or worse, hours to get what you purchased due to the congested traffic in the network, this time, it’s almost instantaneous. Yes, right after your transactions have been completed, your NFT will be yours in a couple of seconds.
Since now we don’t have to spend that much in deploying Drakons NFTs, we also made the Drakons NFTs very affordable so you can now collect as many as you want and send them to battle and earn more rewards.
Another interesting fact that we want you to note in this new deployment scheme is that all other activities such as breeding, siring and selling your Drakons will also have zero gas fees and instantaneous results.
So what are you waiting for? Check out the details on how you can buy Drakons NFTs in the Polygon Network!
See you there and #BeADrakonMaster!
Wait! In order for you to buy Drakons NFTs that are deployed in the Polygon Network, you simply have to deposit your Ether to the Polygon Network. Here is how.
- Go to https://wallet.matic.network with your DApp browser
- Connect your wallet such as your Metamask.
- After connecting your wallet to the site, you will be presented with all possible tokens / coins that you can deposit. Search for Ether and look for the one without “PLASMA”, this is the Ether in the PoS Bridge. In the row for Ether, click Deposit. There are times that these items are presented as Wrapped Ether. So just make sure that you select the PoS Bridge item and not the PLASMA. You may also click the Move Funds to Polygon Mainnet as an alternative option. This page will also show your existing funds in any of these networks.
4. Simply enter the amount of ether that you want to deposit to the Polygon Network. Make sure that you are depositing via the PoS Bridge and not via the Plasma Bridge.
5. Click Transfer and then click Continue.
6. Review your transaction including gas fee, then click Continue on the succeeding windows. And to save on gas fees, It is more advisable to send a high amount in a single transaction than sending smaller values in multiple transactions.
7. Confirm your deposit transaction and wait for it to be completed.
8. Once your transaction has been completed, it will only take a couple of minutes for your balance to be updated. You can always go back to the home page to check when it gets through.
That’s it! You now have ether deposited in the Polygon Network. It will automatically be converted to Wrapped Ether. This is the token that you then use to purchase items in Drakons Marketplace.
You don’t have to switch to any network while transacting in the Drakons Marketplace. Stay in the Ethereum Mainnet and simply perform transactions as you wish to buy Drakons in the Marketplace.
You may also check your WETH balance in your “My Drakons” page under wallet info section. https://www.drakons.io/dashboard.
Congratulations! Enjoy collecting and #BeADrakonMaster!
This is an optional process but in case you want to add Polygon Mainnet in your Metamask as a Custom RPC, you may perform the following:
- Click on the current network tab in your Metamask.
2. Click the Custom RPC at the bottom of your list of networks.
3. Enter the following values to configure your new network.
Network Name: Matic Network
RPC: https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network
Chain ID: 137
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer: https://explorer.matic.network
4. Now, when you want, you can always switch to Polygon Mainnet to check your tokens. And for the Polygon Mainnet WETH address, you may add this address as Custom Token:
MATIC WETH : 0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619
That’s it! So have fun, start collecting Drakons and #BeADrakonMaster!
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